在内布拉斯加州的奥马哈市.2月. 19, 2020 – The 大奥马哈商会 today released key survey findings, as well as goals 和 principles, for ConnectGO, a regional transportation initiative designed to reimagine 和 modernize Metro Omaha’s transportation ecosystem.

2人以上,800 participants completed the initiative’s survey, with 94 percent of respondents living in the Greater Omaha area.

The result:  Eighty-six percent of survey participants agree or strongly agree equitable access to jobs, education 和 healthcare should guide Greater Omaha’s transportation investments.

“Since we launched the outreach efforts for ConnectGO at Native Omaha Days last summer, we’ve heard from so many people genuinely interested in helping to improve transportation in Greater Omaha,斯蒂芬·奥斯伯格说, 导演, 交通运输发展, 大奥马哈商会. “我们已经拿走了所有的 目前收集到的反馈 来自商业团体的讨论, 扶轮社, 和 focus groups along with survey responses collected both online 和 in-person to establish the ConnectGO的目标和原则.”

ConnectGO的目标和原则 include such attributes as 获得机会, a focus on equity 和 transformative change – all designed to increase talent attraction 和 retention, as well as promote approaches that “put people first.”

Survey results (such as only 9 percent of respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing they are satisfied with the quality of public transit), are continuing to help shape the community-wide transportation conversation.

Osberg said ConnectGO’s “goals 和 principles will guide development of the projects, policies 和 programs that will coalesce into the ConnectGO strategy over the coming months,” 和 will build on community dialogue regarding current transportation infrastructure.

“创新推动变革, there is a constant – Omaha’s place as a transportation leader, providing a critical crossroad to every corner of the nation,联合太平洋董事长说, 总裁兼首席执行官兰斯·弗里茨. “当我们思考未来的时候, transportation will exp和 that connectivity, from the movement of freight to public transit options for our residents. These innovations will help us attract 和 retain the diverse, talented workforce Omaha needs to thrive.”

Uncubed命名的 发展最快的科技新兴城市, Omaha is experiencing rapid growth, with 单户建筑许可证s up 20 percent from December 2018 to December 2019, according to 大奥马哈商会’s December 2019 Monthly Economic Indicators.

Such marked expansion has metro planners 和 stakeholders urging change through community conversation.

“在莱尼尔森灯, 我们理解检查的价值, underst和ing 和 guiding a regional transportation effort. 我有信心 ConnectGO的目标和原则 will help orient the continued development of the metro’s transportation to help meet Greater Omaha’s needs around workforce, 获得机会, economic growth 和 the upkeep of our infrastructure,南希·普里达尔说, P.E,首席执行官/总裁,Lamp Rynearson.

Meeting needs around “guiding a regional transportation effort” appears to be echoed in key findings of the ConnectGo report, which points out Omaha’s residents are “generally pleased” with the region’s quality of life, 和 are seeking solutions as the city grows, technology changes 和 opportunities exp和.

“Transit is part of every discussion, every day, 和 it should be. 公共安全, 就业增长, 劳动力培训, development – all require a safe 和 future-oriented transportation system,市长让·斯托特说.  “The ConnectGO key survey data confirms many of our priorities, including the critical need for a long-term plan 和 funding solution to improve 和 maintain our road infrastructure.  安全, reliable roads are fundamental to a transportation system that achieves the ConnectGO goals of 获得机会, talent attraction 和 retention 和 economic growth.”

大卫G. 棕色(的), 总裁兼首席执行官, 大奥马哈商会, applauded the community’s collaboration in crafting transportation solutions. “The cross-sector partnership between 大奥马哈商会, 智慧城市, 和 the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA) has proven invaluable as we work to build a new unified regional transportation strategy,布朗说. “运输 is the backbone of our community, 和 we are committed to working together to ensure our vibrant city is accessible to all.”

ConnectGO, 大奥马哈商会, MAPA 和 智慧城市 are continuing the transportation conversation tonight at Film Streams’ Dundee Theater with “Autonomy,” a screening of Malcom Gladwell’s documentary by the same name February 18. Osberg, will facilitate a post-film discussion. 门票: http://filmstreams.org/films/autonomy.

ConnectGO主要调查结果报告: http://gap.bjhuaheng.net/download/40390/

大奥马哈是一个 No. 排名第一的新兴科技热点 和 Time 杂志的2017年 No. 3 Most Up-和-Coming City in America. 以其“我们不随波逐流态度,并命名 美国没有. 最佳小城市2, Greater Omaha is home to more than 30 communities 和 nearly 1 million people, with a youthful population (more than 40 percent are age 24 or younger), 生活成本低 经济平稳增长 这超过了全国. Berkshire Hathaway, Mutual of Omaha, Peter Kiewit Sons’ Inc. 和 Union Pacific – all Fortune 500 companies – call Greater Omaha “home.”

联合国的使命 大奥马哈商会 is to champion a thriving business community 和 a prosperous region through visionary leadership 和 collaboration.

